Welling School Tag Rugby Tour of Uganda 2015

On June 27th 2015, 13 Students and 5 Staff from Welling School will head for Uganda to coach some of the most underpriveleged children from government schools and orphanages, on how to play the game of Tag Rugby. The Students have spent over a year raising money to fund the project themselves. Over £20,000 has been raised so far! As well as coaching the children in Uganda they will also be training the School Staff and leave enough equipment and resources for the schools to continue playing and enjoying the game. They will also undertake a community project where they will help to make improvements to an impoverished village school. Donations can be made using this 'justgiving' link :


You can follow their progress through this Blog. Thank you for your interest.

Monday 6 July 2015

Saturday 4th July: Rafting day

So then, hello everybody and apologies for the past blogs not going up as well as this one due to the Ugandan internet connection.

Today myself and the team went White Water Rafting down the Nile. Throughout the 12km there were many scared faces and loud screams. Everyone participated in the rafting but we had to go out in two different boats so we arranged ourselves into two groups consisting of the hardcore adrenaline junkies and the not so hard core. After experiencing the rapids some people decided it was not for them and aborted to get on to the safety boat which took the calm and soft water and was controlled by one of the instructors. The people on this boat were known as the 'Melts' (someone who is sacred, for those who do not know what a melt is). Overall I think we all agreed that the day was 'river  SAVAGE' and such an amazing experience for all of us as none of us have got a past experience which compares to White Water Rafting down the Nile which is the biggest river in the world. We also flipped the boat and swallowed what felt like half the Nile.

After rafting we went to watch our local volunteer helpers play contact rugby against a local team which was a very different and messy experience. To get to and from the pitch we had to cross a water logged field which most people were not prepared for as they came in flip flops and ended up bare foot with mud covering half of their legs and resulted in a piggy back ride for Mollie to keep nice and clean. The game was full on contact and showed us a different side to our volunteers that we have not seen before and we noticed that they were pretty good despite losing. Besides the watery and muddy experience from the day we certainly did enjoy it, sleeping the whole way back to backpackers. We then settled down with cold showers to cool our red thighs from the sun, and sat around together talking about the day. 

Amazing photos and video footage ( Go Pro scene of a group being flipped by a huge wave!) to follow.

Sweet as a nut

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